This directory contains the output from your MetaQuery search If you use any of these results, please cite: Nayfach, S., Fischbach, M.A, and Pollard, K.S. MetaQuery: a webserver for rapid annotation and quantitative analysis of genes in the human gut microbiome. (In preparation). This data is organized into the following 4 sub-directories: /in /out /analyses /plots in -------------- parameters.txt -parameters specified in web form query.fa -uploaded query sequence(s) out -------------- abundance.matrix -gene abundances for 1,267 samples percent_id.matrix -abundance-weighted percent identities (between query and reference) for 1,267 samples -high values indicates the presence of mostly close homologs -lower values indicate the presence of mostly remote homologs analyses -------------- gene_summary.table -summary statistics for gene abundance and %ID across 1,267 samples -mean: mean abundance/%ID -min: maximum abundance/%ID -max: maximum abundance/%ID -cv: coefficient of variation of abundance/%ID gene_covariation.matrix -Spearman correlation matrix ags_covariation.table -Spearman correlations of average genome size versus gene abundance -Average genome size estimates were obtained using MicrobeCensus taxonomic_assoc.table -Spearman correlations of taxonomic abundances size versus gene abundance -taxonomic abundances were obtained using MetaPhlan continent_assoc.table -comparison of gene abundance between healthy individuals from different continents -description of groups: -North America: samples from the HMP study -Europe: samples from the MetaHIT, MGS, IGC, and Richness studies -China: samples from the T2D study -Samples with IBD or Diabetes were exlcuded -fields 2-4 indicate median gene abundance within each group -field 5-6 indicate the p-value and q-value from a Kruskal-Wallis test -the Benjamini-Hochberg method was used for multiple testing correction diabetes_assoc.table -comparison of gene abundance between healthy controls and individuals with diabetes -description of groups: -All samples are from Chinese individuals from the T2D study -fields 2-3 indicate median gene abundance within each group -field 4-5 indicate the p-value and q-value from a Kruskal-Wallis test -the Benjamini-Hochberg method was used for multiple testing correction diabetes_assoc.table -comparison of gene abundance between healthy controls, individuals with crohn's disease, and individuals with ulcerative colitis -description of groups: -All samples are from Spanish individuals from the MetaHIT and Richness studies -fields 2-4 indicate median gene abundance within each group -field 5-6 indicate the p-value and q-value from a Kruskal-Wallis test -the Benjamini-Hochberg method was used for multiple testing correction plots -------------- abundance_pid -directory containing plots that correspond to gene_summary.table -plots are available only for the first 1000 genes continents, diabetes, ibd -directories containing boxplots that correspond to statistical analyses -plots are available only for the first 1000 genes ags -average genome size versus gene abundance -plots are available only for the first 1000 genes covariation -Matrix of spearman correlations for all pairs of query genes